Education and Support Featured The Draegan Network is Live! Introducing a private, virtual community where health IT professionals share ideas, discuss experiences and collaborate with one another.
Change Management Communicating an Urgent Change There are times that require an IT change be put in place rapidly. Providing notice to end-users must have both brevity and clarity. Here are the 6 elements to include.
Education and Support How to Align Individual Staff Goals with IT Initiatives Health systems present us with an incredibly diverse and intelligent ecosystem. With the continuous introduction of more technology, why not leverage this to improve cross-team communication?
Operations and Optimization Leveraging Technology to Improve Healthcare Efficiency Healthcare technology has brought along high hopes for more patient-centric workflows; process efficiencies; and improved job satisfaction for staff. So why does it seem that instead of more time focused on patient care we are spending more and more time with a computer screen?
Change Management Motivating Teams with Detailed Objectives Mobilizing a team to work collaboratively towards a goal requires that they understand what it is they are working to do. By not understanding the details in advance, you may not end up exactly where you hoped you’d be. ....
Change Management How to Evaluate a Workaround (Part 2 of 2) A closer look into technology workarounds in healthcare. This post focuses on some key questions when evaluating workaround to determine if its a positive or negative.
Change Management Workarounds in Healthcare Technology (Part 1 of 2) A closer look into technology workarounds in healthcare. This post focuses on some of the key reasons end users develop workarounds as well as some of the unanticipated impacts that should be considered.
Change Management What does the Term Interoperability Mean in Healthcare? How do we define the various stages of interoperability? And for healthcare, which stage are we looking to achieve?