Project Execution Involving Patients in IT Application Design Involving clinicians and administrative staff in IT system design is common practice. For patient-facing apps, should we include patient reps in design sessions?
Education and Support Featured The Draegan Network is Live! Introducing a private, virtual community where health IT professionals share ideas, discuss experiences and collaborate with one another.
Change Management Motivating Teams with Detailed Objectives Mobilizing a team to work collaboratively towards a goal requires that they understand what it is they are working to do. By not understanding the details in advance, you may not end up exactly where you hoped you’d be. ....
Project Execution Procurement Requests - What do all those acronyms mean? The procurement process for healthcare technology involves many different request types. (e.g. RFI, RFP, RFQ, RSO, NRFP, etc….) Let’s take a closer look at what all those acronyms stand for.
Project Execution How to Set up a Pilot Project The "fail fast, fail often" mantra is not something most feel comfortable embracing in healthcare. What are some ways we can evaluate potential IT solutions without introducing unnecessary risk?
Project Execution Common Types of Application Testing In healthcare, it’s critical to have a strong quality assurance process in place for all technical changes. Not only to find issues with computer code, but also to reduce the risk of unanticipated issues for end users. What kind of testing should be done?